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Using MySQL as database back-end

I've recently been working on getting a CNRI handle (aka persistent identifier) server up and running. We wanted to use MySQL as our database back-end. Since the documentation didn't cover how to do this in sufficient detail so here is what I did.

PS: We are using a pretty old version of the software - v 6.2. Hopefully this configuration still applies to the newer versions.


By default the software stores its data in a Java jdb database. In my opinion this is less than ideal since there are no tools to manipulate or even view your data. You can, I guess, write your own java code to do this, but this is a pain.

Everybody knows MySQL so we wanted to use it as our back-end. The handle server does support SQL but the document only provides a config example for postgres. (Strangely, it does provide a table layout for MySQL) Google also didn't provide any useful answers.

So, in case it is useful to anybody else, here is my configuration.

Setup MySQL

Install the MySQL server package. Use apt-get or yum depending on your linux distribution.

Create a database. I decided to call mine handle.

 mysqladmin -u root -p create handle  

Create a MySQL user and give it access to the database.

 grant all on handle.* to handle@'localhost' identified by 'supersecretpassword';  

Setup the table structure as per the MySQL example in the documentation.

 create table nas (  
   na varchar(255) not null,  
   PRIMARY KEY(na)  
 ) ;  
 create table handles (  
   handle varchar(255) not null,  
   idx int4 not null,  
   type blob,  
   data blob,  
   ttl_type int2,  
   ttl int4,  
   timestamp int4,  
   refs blob,  
   admin_read bool,  
   admin_write bool,  
   pub_read bool,  
   pub_write bool,  
   PRIMARY KEY(handle, idx)  

Download MySQL's JDBC jconnector and put it somewhere useful. I put it in /opt/mysql-connector-java-5.1.25. Uncompress the archive and you should end up with a sub-directory all sorts of stuff but most importantly a jar file - in my case, mysql-connector-java-5.1.25-bin.jar.

Configure Handle Software

I assume that you already have it up and running using the Java jdb database. If not follow the documentation and get this working first.

I'll just describe what I did to change from the local jdb database to MySQL.

Edit your startup script to add the jconnector JAR to your classpath.

 $java_path/java -cp "/hs/bin/handle.jar:/opt/mysql-connector-java-5.1.25/mysql-connector-java-5.1.25-bin.jar" net.handle.server.Main /hs/svr_1  

Notice the colon (:) between the two paths which make up your classpath (cp). If you are running this on Windows you need to use a semi-colon (;) delimiter.

Update your config.dct. Add the following config snippet to the existing "server_config" section.

 "storage_type" = "sql"  
 sql_settings = {  
  sql_url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/handle"  
  sql_driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"  
  sql_login = "handle"  
  sql_passwd = "supersecretpassword"  
  sql_read_only = "no"}  

The things to note - which differ from the Postgres example in the docs - is the sql_url and sql_driver.

Fire up your handle server and make sure it starts properly. If you get a MySQL error the server either cannot find the jar file (check your classpath) or something in your config.dct is wrong.

Fire up the handle admin tool and use it to re-home your server by clicking Server Admin | Home Naming Authority. This will put your naming authority into the nas table.

And you're done!

Of course, your handle table is now completely empty and you will need to get your digital repository to re-populate it. (Unless of course you are up to writing your own java code to read the existing data our of the jdb and putting it into the MySQL handle table).

In our case - where we use Digitool - it was just a matter of running a Publish Persistent Identifier job and all of our handles got republished into the MySQL tables.


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